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How to Recognize the Signs of a Heart Attack in Women

Women experience different symptoms of a heart attack than men. Learn to recognize the early signs of a heart attack in women with this helpful guide!

5 Signs of a Heart Attack

Heart attacks occur when an artery or blood vessel narrows or becomes blocked, causing decreased blood flow to the heart muscle. Unfortunately, many women are unaware of the signs of a heart attack. Knowing how to recognize the early warning signs and symptoms of a heart attack in women can help get you and your loved ones the medical help they need in time.

Chest discomfort or pain

Discomfort or pain in the center of the chest may be a sign of a heart attack. Women often experience this as a pressure, tightness or feeling like an elephant sitting on their chest instead of the intense crushing pain often associated with a heart attack. If the discomfort lasts more than a few minutes, and is not relieved by rest or medications, it could be a sign of an impending heart attack.

Shortness of breath

Women can also experience shortness of breath with or without chest discomfort. A person may feel like they are unable to take a deep breath and have an increased effort in breathing. This symptom is especially concerning if it arrives before the chest discomfort or if it occurs without any chest pain.

Back, shoulder, and stomach pain

Women often experience pain in other areas aside from the chest. This can include shoulder, back, and abdominal pain similar to indigestion or heartburn that may spread even to the arms or jaw. In some cases, this discomfort can be more noticeable than chest pain, so it is important for women to be aware of these other symptoms and seek medical attention as soon as possible if they occur.

Breaking out in a cold sweat or feeling lightheaded and nauseous

It is not uncommon for women to experience perspiration, dizziness, and nausea as signs of an impending heart attack. These may be experienced before other symptoms present themselves such as chest pain or discomfort. Perspiring excessively, feeling a lightheadedness, or becoming nauseous suddenly are important signs that should prompt a call to the doctor or an emergency visit to the hospital.

Overall fatigue or feeling like you can't keep up with your usual activities

Women may experience a persistent feeling of fatigue and exhaustion, even after resting. Feeling like you can’t keep up with your usual activities or having to take more breaks should be considered warning signs that something is not quite right. Additionally, these feelings may be coupled with changes in mood such as increased irritability or depression.


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